EVIS Data Marketplace
2 min readOct 19, 2021


🚀Start of the second phase of the project.

✅Our team has completed the first stage of the project. The primary shell of the product is ready. And we are fully prepared to start the second phase of the project. Our website is already ready, the airdrop bot will launch within two days.

🌐Welcome to visit our website


✅Stage by stage we start launching ads and invite subscribers to our community.

You can find us in all important social networks for cryptocurrency community. Join us, follow the development of our project, share your thoughts and ideas.

✅Twitter https://twitter.com/evisdm

✅Telegram English https://t.me/evisdme

✅Telegram Russia https://t.me/harrydefi

✅Medium https://evisdm.medium.com/

✅Reddit https://www.reddit.com/u/evisdm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


As the project grows, the team is actively growing and developing. It’s very nice to see how each member is not just good at the tasks assigned, but really passionate about the project and trying to do the best he can.


Establishing partnerships and attracting investments is one of the most important chapters in the development of a crypto project. You can always find partners and investments where the fundamentally strong quality product is. This is one of the reasons why we initially spared no resources on platform quality. We initially chose a longer and more difficult path of development. Because our task is not launching PR campaigns as soon as possible and selling out all the tokens, creating artificial hype out of nothing. We have chosen the path of long and hard work on the product, with consulting, funds, maybe we will take part in a seed accelerator.

There is an easier way: without funds, without consulting, with minimal «quick fix» product development and no responsibility. This path is quick and easy and it’s not for us. We chose the path that will lead us to the assigned targets and quality results. The attention of investors is being given to worthy projects that actually offer a solution to specific problems. Such projects don’t need to create a hype out of nothing – all they need is to create a good product that is interesting and useful to the world. And this is our way.



EVIS Data Marketplace

To increase revenue companies buy data in the market. EVIS is a data marketplace.